Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Change or Update depending on what you know :)

Well I decided I should create my own blog, even though I sucked at it the first time I will do my best to try to be more intertaining this time, I make no promises though :)

So lets see where do I start. Most of you know by now that Chester and I are divorced. But some of you might not yet know that I am pregant. Yup can't really believe it myself but it is what it is. I am 13 weeks and 2 days. The little one should pop out on or around August 8th. Everyone is confident its a girl but time will only tell. :0)  So far its been a real pain, Ive been very sick, Cant keep anything down. Infact just today i had to get home health care to come and give me IV-Fluids. So far my vein has colapased so I had to get poked 3 time before they got it in. But good news is Ive only thrown up once today (fingers crossed) SO needless to say its been a really rough couple of months but Im powering threw and trying to be as positive as possible!

Well I hope I dont dissipoint and you will actually be interested in my blog, Ill do my best! :) Til next time